Friday, January 11, 2008

Written Weekly Analysis - Week # 2

The Writers Strike Continues
The writers strike has now gone on for months now. When the strike first began many people, me included, believed that it would end quickly and TV would not be affected. Sadly this has not been the case and my weekly dose of Grey’s Anatomy is no longer being fulfilled. What I did not realize was everything writers wrote for. For example, I knew that writers wrote all the material for sitcoms and were involved in writing the material for talk shows, but I had no idea that without writers’, talk shows would not exist. I believed that talk show hosts, such as David Letterman and Jay Leno wrote most of their own material. I was shocked to learn that these show hosts are nothing more than actors and just read there lines that somebody else always writes for them.
In addition to sitcoms and talk shows being forced to cut their seasons short, what was a greater surprise to me this week is that the Golden Globes has been canceled. What is normally a large event that recognizes the actors and actresses for a great job done in movies is now changed into an hour long event were the winners will simply be announced. The Golden Globes is normally a night for celebrities to shine. They spend the entire day in hair and makeup, get dressed in their designer cloths and then take a walk down the red carpet to it show it all off. During their trip down the red carpet, in addition to everyone telling them how great they look they plug every piece of designer clothing, jewelry and accessory they are wearing. Were I’m going with this is that what started out as simply a writers strike has affected much more than just them. With no Golden Globes there will be no red carpet for celebrities to walk down. So there is no need to buy any designer clothing, jewelry or accessories. There is also no need to pay the critiques to stand on the red carpet to applaud and critique the celebrities outfit. This means there will be no Best and Worst Dressed from Joan and Melissa Rivers!
The writers strike started out as some writers marching the picket lines and now the industry is losing millions of dollars. I would hope that the this war will be ended soon because besides me missing out on my weekly dosage of Grey’s Anatomy, many other people of society are being affected and are feeling the pain. Just like everything in society there is the trickling affect and what may affect one person today in a short time can affect hundreds or thousands of people. In the case of the writers strike they are the ones that decided to strike I can understand their positions and support their decision to strike. The writers have been pushed to the back for a number of years and not been given the recognition they deserve. It’s time for the industry to settle this strike and put the people back to work. As I explained earlier the writers are not the only people affected Without the writer to produce all our great TV there is no need for hair dressers, designer, stage crew… the list is endless. In the end I just want my TV back because in our generation TV is important and we’re lost without it!

1 comment:

Josie said...

I was shocked to see that so many shows were cut short because of this strike. Isn't it amazing that people who read their work is much richer than the writers are?